Accessibility Approach

Our approach

Interact’s approach is to ensure we offer transparency and accountability to our customers through the regular updating and publication of our VPAT along with sharing the specific known non-conformities via our Bug Roadmap.

The non-conformities are raised by our internal testing teams and through customer contributions. By working with customers, we can prioritize the issues with the greatest severity and impact on their users.

Our approach to addressing and correcting accessibility issues is designed to ensure a seamless and inclusive user experience:

  • Thorough assessment: Upon identifying any accessibility concerns, whether from our internal assessments or directly from customers, our dedicated team undertakes an assessment to understand the specific issues and their impact on user experience. We evaluate these concerns across various user scenarios to gain a comprehensive understanding. These are then added to the Bug Roadmap for wider communication to our customers by our Defect Manager. 
  • Prioritization and planning: Each identified issue is then carefully assessed for its severity and impact. We prioritize these issues based on the impact they have on user accessibility and overall functionality. Our product has evolved over multiple platform generations, which means we carry some legacy features and functions. We continuously look to upgrade and replace them over time. This ‘upgrade/replace’ aspect is important to us in planning all bug resolutions, including ‘accessibility’ ones. We may delay their resolution if we plan to ‘replace’ or ‘upgrade’ the feature soon. Additionally, we will prioritize fixing accessibility bugs that impact ‘end user functions’ (e.g., performing a search) over those impacting ‘privileged functions’ (e.g., editing a security group). 
  • Partnership: Collaborating with some of the biggest companies worldwide, we have found that certain customers possess deep expertise that we are able to utilize to better understand accessibility challenges and identify pragmatic solutions. We welcome this collaboration and often find that customers like to remain engaged in this area throughout the onboarding phase and beyond. 
  • Web accessibility overlays: In some cases, Interact will explore and recommend third-party tools to our customers, providing additional user tools such as pausing animations and deeper contrast options. Whilst these are not accounted for in our Interact Accessibility Conformance Report, they can be helpful in some specific cases to fix any problems whereby Interact’s code prevents assistive technology from being used easily.

User-generated content

Rich content (i.e., anything other than plain black and white text; any content with colors, pictures, emojis, videos, HTML, or longer posts) can be created within Interact by a range of roles including authors (page authors), contributors (e.g., bloggers), and end-users (e.g., employees).

Interact provides features (e.g., text-over-image contrast warnings and accessibility content checkers) and guidelines which can be adopted by our customers to help make user-generated content more accessible.

Given that some rich content can be posted immediately and without moderation (e.g., an employee posting a comment with images to a timeline within a page) this results in a partial conformance.

Interact provides best practice to authors, contributors, and participants on creating accessible content within the platform.

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